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Saturday, February 5, 2011


Can you guess who did it? She (oops!) also decided to redecorate her brothers newly painted room. And I swear she (I am not pointing any fingers!!) was only out of sight for 2 minutes tops. But she did a bang up job- efficient we will call her. I only wonder if she was humming and singing her pretty made-up sounds while she worked!!

I would not be telling the truth if I said I did not gasp out loud when I first saw this sight. And then gasped some more when I found she had also redecorated her brothers’ wall(s) as well. I mean this is not coming off easy and most likely it will need a coat of paint to really hide it. I was mad at myself and frustrated with her. BUT, this is minor compared to A LOT of things. Really most things! I heard someone in a seminar, (literally 1 day before this happened) say that we should not “major in the minors”…... kind of like “don’t sweat the small stuff”. So I decided to look at the situation in a positive light. The walls (or most of the walls) she colored on have never been painted and are due an update. Also, my mom gave me the magic eraser and it works like a charm for this project! I do admit that I have left the art work undisturbed for now……because years from now I will be longing for more!

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