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Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Today is the birthday of Theodor Geisel, known to most of us as Dr. Suess!! I love to read and credit that to a childhood full of books and reading. My parents read to us every night and I vividly remember my brother and sister reading to me on a regular basis. I even remember my brother rearranging the words to make me giggle! We also had the record know the ones that beeped when you were supposed to turn the page!

I will always be grateful to my parents who instilled in us the importance of reading. It is one of my life goals to pass this message down to my children as well. So far, so good as Bottle Rocket is already reading around a 5th grade level and can be found with his nose in a book at any given point! We have books all over the every room. And we have read to each child since they were in the womb. It is never a strange sight to see all four kiddos nuzzled up on one of our laps eager to read a great book. I believe 100% that you can learn anything if you can read!

Fortunately, mom took great care of our books and I have been able to pass some of them along to my children. They crack up to see my name in the front of the book. Recently Smoke Bomb has begun reading and some of his favorites include Hop on Pop, Green Eggs and Ham, Mr Brown Can Moo! Can You? and Cat in the Hat. I thought these books were exciting when I was a child reading them! It is way too cool to hear your child read them aloud!

To celebrate Read Across America Day, the boys' school has a Dr. Suess day where students are allowed to dress up as a famous Dr. Suess character. Here's a picture of Bottle Rocket and Smoke Bomb....the outfits are self-explanatory!

So join in and celebrate with America..... Pick up a book and READ!

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