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Friday, January 15, 2010

Finally Friday Fire Cracker Edition: His New Specs

With hubby and my eyesight being so bad, I am not sure how we made it to the third child without vision appointments and equipment! Looks like Fire Cracker is the winner of this race! We thought he had an eye that would cross occasionally. Turns out he is actually near-sighted in his right eye with an astigmatism. So now he is the proud new owner of the smallest and cutest little glasses I have ever seen! We thought he would have to wear the coke bottle glasses we had to endure when we were little. Luckily technology has made eyeglasses for kids adorable! Fire Cracker did so well at the opthamologist- I felt like crying he did so good! He got to hold the doctors' pet frog, ride on the rocket chair, and watch movies so he thought it was lots of fun. Then when we went to pick out glasses he put them right on! He even told me which ones he liked and did not like! So we are off to a great start. We have been talking to him about what is going on all week trying to prep him for his new specs. Bottle Rocket even offered to use his money to buy some reading glasses from the dollar store to wear along with him! I am sure it will be a period of adjustment, but I am so proud of him for being so adaptive. Without further ado, here is little Fire Cracker with his new specs! Makes you giggle, doesn't it?!?!

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