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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


There are definitely some uncomfortable moments in the life of a parent. Kids ask some hard questions. And they demand even more difficult answers. Kids are not afraid to say what they feel and speak what is on their mind. This definitely keeps parents on their toes. Quite often, I cringe when my 3 year old begins to tell someone a story. Who knows what is going to come out of his mouth next!?!?! And who knows how I am going to explain it!

Tonight at dinner, MacGyver was at church planning a fall festival so the kiddos and I were eating solo. We talked about their day and how school was going. Then the conversation turned to some .........well darker subjects. Someone mentioned hitting and how we should not hit. Then someone else mentioned that if it was Sparkler in trouble and being hurt by a stranger, they would "jump in and kick them in the privates". They then proceeded to talk about how they would handle a similar situation with Fire Cracker as the victim and how the bad person would be "sorry they ever messed with them". I was blown away at their willingness to defend their brother and sister. They were not going to let anything stand in the way of their protection for each other.

WOW! That is all I could think to say. I mean on one hand you raise your kids to be loving, compassionate and non-violent. On the other hand, you definitely want them to stand up for each other. What compassion they were showing for each other. They definitely did not want to see each other hurt. So then I said it. Something I was not comfortable saying. But something I felt right doing in the same breath. I caved and spoke up: "Okay, so if someone is endangering or hurting your brother/sister, then you have a right to fight back. But that IS IT. There is NO OTHER reason for you hitting or harming someone else.

Everyone always comments on how protected Sparkler will be with 3 older brothers to defend her. I have always agreed, but it was hard to give them "written" permission to do something that should be forbidden. Ahem. But she is so very well protected! They are young, but so smart at the same time. Someone would be hard-pressed to mess with these boys (or their sister!).

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