The perfect place to track the love and laughs our children bring us each day!

Monday, November 8, 2010

COYLOTES (not to be confused with coyotes!)

My dad told me the other day on a phone conversation that the kids hear everything we say. He is so right. It made me giggle coming from my father and remembering our childhood. It also makes you stop dead in your tracks! Here is a great example:

Our neighborhood association sent out an email notification that coyotes had been spotted in our neighborhood recently. Not something you hear everyday, but also relevant to our region and landscape. I told my mom about it one day on the phone and apparently Fire Cracker overheard the conversation. Then the older boys heard the adults in the cul-de-sac talking about the coyotes one day. Well this sparked a huge interest in the kids. Where do coyotes live? Are they coming in our backyard? What do coyotes eat? Do they bite? What would we do if we saw a coyote? Did you hear that coyote the other morning because I did?! How many coyotes live around here? Can coyotes break through my bedroom window (which is on the 2nd floor by the way!)? The questions just keep on coming. We have been able to subdue several of these questions, but there are still lingering effects.

Fire Cracker to me in the car the other day: Hey mama, "COYLOTES" sound like
this: hawhooooooo!! And mama, did you know that when coylotes go
hawhoooooooo, they hold their nose and mouth up in the air?
Mama: Why do they hold thier mouths up in the air?

Fire Cracker: Because if they hold it down, they sound like this......"woof woof"!

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