The perfect place to track the love and laughs our children bring us each day!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Have you ever had one of those days where you ended up somewhere you did not plan to be, but knew without a doubt you were there for a reason? Or had someone pop over to your house out of the blue? Or perhaps it was someone who called at just the 'right' time? Maybe it was the time you saw someone out who you least expected to see. Did you read something that you just knew you needed to hear? I just love when this happens. I believe that we all have divine appointments, not only in our lives, but for things we encounter each and every day. It might be a meeting at work, a bible study, the homeless person we give food or sharing a laugh with a neighbor. It can be something big or little. It can be something deep and significant or something fleeting that we don't even think twice about. I once read about the following notion: What if we went about the moments of our day fully and specifically aware of God's intention and will for the things we faced. Would we help a little more? Would we listen a little longer? Be willing to give a little more? Would things become a little less inconvenient? Would we search out people in need more often? Spread the good news with more spunk? Be less selfish. Be more understanding. Be more loving? And less hurried?

Today got me thinking about all of this. I woke up this morning and muttered to my husband that "I was tired. Just plain tired."

Not 2 hours later I was sitting in a new bible study class. The first words out of the facilitator's mouth on the training video session were "Are you tired?" I had debated going, debated if I had the time and energy to put forth into another study. And there was the answer.

Later in the afternoon, I was completely stressed out and felt like I could not hold it together any longer. In the heat of this 'funk', the phone rang and it was my sister. I told her I would call her back. Ten minutes later she was on my doorstep giving me a hug that would encourage me and keep me going for the rest of the day.

I challenge you to wake up tomorrow and take a new perspective. Dig deeper. Look more vividly at your day and life. Be more observant and listen harder. Ponder more about those chance meetings and coincidences. Look and listen for the things/people/events/situations that allow you to hear Him speaking or see his will. There are two sides of the coin. The times you have people who intervene to you on His behalf and the times you are the one who is 'working' for Him. It is such an amazing thing. That we can make a difference in someone's life as well as receive the blessing of another person making an impact on us. Look for the moments in your life that he uses you as a tool to serve others and be the messenger of His word and love. Be attentive to the times he sends someone/something/ some situation your way to show His unending love.

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