The perfect place to track the love and laughs our children bring us each day!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Today was the second day that Bottle Rocket and Smoke Bomb were off to school leaving Fire Cracker and Sparkler 'home alone'. And to be honest, Fire Crackers' spark is just a fizzle! He has told me at least 12 times this morning that he "just wants to go get Bottle Rocket and Smoke Bomb." I keep telling him that we can't because they are not finished with school yet. His only response is "Yes, I think they are finished Mama!"

I remember those days, quite clearly in fact. When my sister went to Kindergarten, I was the same age as Fire Cracker. I was devastated. And mad. In fact, I took it out on her barbie doll by cutting half of her hair smack off. Yep. Just half to make sure the message was received. So I can relate.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful family you have! They are precious. And looks like you got your girl! See I have two boys and I wonder we dare try for boy #3 ;-) So sad that little Firecracker is lonesome for his brothers! I'm sure he'll get used to it eventually! Blessing to you! Following you from Blog Frog! ~Kimberly
